Common Reasons for Will Contests During the Holiday Season


The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and spending time with loved ones. However, it can also be a time of conflict and tension, especially regarding inheritance matters. Will contests are unfortunately not uncommon during this time of year, as emotions run high and family dynamics come into play.

Reason #1: Unequal Distribution of Assets

One of the most common reasons for will contests during the holiday season is an unequal distribution of assets among family members. This can lead to resentment, jealousy, and betrayal, especially if one sibling feels that they have been unfairly treated in the will. It is important for individuals drafting their wills to communicate their intentions and reasoning behind their decisions to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes among family members.

Reason #2: Lack of Communication

Another common reason for will contests during the holiday season is a lack of communication between family members about estate planning. Often, individuals fail to discuss their wishes with their loved ones, leading to confusion and uncertainty after their passing. Families must have open and honest conversations about estate planning to ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands each other's intentions.

Reason #3: Influence from Outside Parties

In some cases, will contests during the holiday season may be caused by outside parties influencing the testator's decisions regarding their estate. This could include caregivers, friends, or even new romantic partners who may have ulterior motives for manipulating the terms of the will. Individuals need to be wary of outside influences and seek legal advice if they suspect foul play in their loved one's estate planning process.

Reason #4: Mental Incapacity

Lastly, another common reason for will contests during the holiday season is concerns about the testator's mental capacity when they drafted their will. Family members may question whether their loved one was fully competent to make informed decisions about their estate or if others unduly influenced them. If there are doubts about a testator's mental capacity when drafting their will, it is essential to seek legal guidance and potentially contest the document's validity.

Expert Will and Trust Creation for Utah County Residents

If you are facing a will contest or need assistance with estate planning, the Gibson Law Firm in Lehi, UT, is here to help. Our experienced attorneys specialize in estate and probate law, providing the guidance and support you need to navigate these complex issues. Contact us today at (877) 540-4416 to schedule a consultation and ensure that your family's wishes are honored. Don't let the emotional and financial stress of the holidays lead to unnecessary disputes. Reach out to the Gibson Law Firm and let us help you find a resolution that brings peace and clarity to your family.
